The BetterWorld Kids ran to a giant eagle who landed nearby. They had met Liberty before, and they knew they were in for an amazing ride.

"Liberty has something wonderful to show us," Dennis said when they were all aboard. The peace eagle flapped her wings and they lifted up into the air.

They rose up into the colors of Cyberspace and Dennis typed on his palm pilot. Liberty leaned forward into the hyperlink and they soared ahead, racing faster and faster like a roller coaster.

The BetterWorld Kids loved it! Then Liberty eased back and gently climbed up into a starlit sky. Down below they could see thousands of people standing together outside holding candles and singing softly. They glided on across the planet and saw millions of people celebrating.

"The last section of the Department of Peace bill calls for promoting a day of peace," Dennis said softly. "We're seeing what it will be like when we celebrate the very first day of peace on earth, ever."

The BetterWorld Kids knew all about the campaign for a day of peace. Now that they could see how wonderful it was going to be when it really happened, they were filled with great hope.




The Peace Department
A BetterWorld Kids Adventure

Story ©2005 Robert Alan Silverstein
Illustrations ©2005 Ginger Nielson

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May Peace Prevail On Earth

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Education, Mentorship, Inspiration, Leadership, Youth
- for a Better

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